If you spend your nights tossing, turning and your days in an unproductive sleepy haze, you’re not alone. Most people struggle with sleep at some point during their lives due to various reasons such as stress, poor sleep hygiene, anxiety, or over stimulation. We’ve got some good news, though.
While there’s no magical cure for insomnia, one simple change in your sleep attire can make all the difference.
We’re talking about sleep masks!
If you’re not in the habit of wearing a sleep mask when you hit the sheets, that needs to change ASAP. Here’s why.
Why sleep masks make all the difference. A sleep mask isn’t just a fashion statement - it’s also one of the simplest solutions to getting more shut-eye. It’s all to do with the body clock (circadian rhythm), which tells your body when it’s time to sleep and heavily depends on the amount of light in the environment. So when you’re exposed to a lot of light (yes, from screens too), your body clock suppresses sleep-related chemicals, including melatonin. At the opposite end, when it’s dark, your body produces more of these chemicals which help you happily drift off.
Since we’re constantly exposed to screen light from phones, laptops, TVs and so on, it’s no wonder that sleep has become such an elusive endeavour. And when we do finally put the phone aside and turn off the light to get some rest, there’s still plenty of light in the environment, especially in cities. Those street lights might not seem like a big deal, but they’re telling your body to stay awake. That’s where sleep masks come in.

By blocking out all ambient light, they can help you get into sleep mode quicker. They also help you stay asleep throughout the night. The catch?
You need to get yourself a GOOD sleep mask aka one that fits your face and is made with a soft fabric that doesn’t irritate the skin. An added benefit: sleep masks prevent wrinkles. Apart from helping you catch some Z’s, a good quality sleep mask also prevents much-dreaded wrinkles from forming around the eyes. This is because they keep you from squinting in or unconsciously rubbing your eyes in your sleep. Now that’s what we call Beauty Sleep! Speaking of which...
LuxSleep™ Sleep Mask for Uninterrupted Beauty Sleep. If you’ve ever worn the sleep mask you get on an airplane, you’ll understand why it’s important to buy a high-quality one for bedtime. You don’t want a mask that feels rough on the skin or that rubs off all the expensive skin care products you put on before bed, do you?
Our LuxSleep™ Sleep Mask is designed with the highest grade (6A) long fibre mulberry silk. It’s the ultimate combo of shine, thickness, softness and durability! We chose silk because it’s significantly less absorbent than other materials, so it can help keep your skin’s moisture. It also feels AMAZING! If you do order our LuxSleep Silk Mask, don’t forget to have a look at our popular LuxSleep Silk Pillowcase too - it’s like receiving a beauty treatment every night, for 6-8 hours, while you sleep!
Here's Why You Need to Start Using a Sleep Mask
If you’re a bad sleeper, this simple change in your sleep attire can make all the difference. Here’s why you should start wearing a sleepmask.